Thursday, January 20, 2011


Your views on drugs, alcohol and religion

            Having grown up in not so big city, I never knew these things existed until I started talking to this guy say X, who was once a addict, and then how his parents bought him back home when they realised about it, stopped his education, no more pocket money, nor there was availability in this place to buy it.So eventually he quit. Before you judge him, he wasn't this rich,spoiled guy or something. He was a regular guy, from regular college, regular family, but bad friends. His left hand is totally scarred cause he used to cut his hand, put brown sugar, and put on a band aid.So that it would affect him fast.
Well, the whole thing left a clear picture in my head, about how drugs can destroy your life. So NO to drugs anytime of my life.

                  I am now in one of those "crazy-drinking" phase in college. I had my first sip of beer last year, and slowly everything followed. Well, its fun, and I cant stop thinking about when we are gonna get drunk next.I have always had a better time when I drink with my girlfriends, we laugh, we talk crazy shit, we sing, they always listen when you get emotional sometimes,even if they are equally drunk, give you a hug and a kiss to make you feel better. Whenever I have got drunk with guys or boyfriend, I have more not-so-good memories then the happy one's. I have been dumped,cried,got lost,had to fight for attention when he found stupid cricket or some song more interesting then the drunk me!. This may sound filmy, but I want those situations which we see in movies,where the actress gets drunk and starts acting all cranky and the actor takes care of her like a baby, and gets her home.Hope the bad jinx breaks soon.

                  This is one topic when people discuss, I try to get out from that place.Because, this usually leads to the question of which caste are you, and that is not something I like to talk about. It doesn't mean that I mean I am not proud of who I am, I am proud about it, but unless you are in my shoes, you probably would never understand. I don't understand why this whole thing called religion,caste,sub caste,minority, had to exist and make it difficult for some people.

PS: this might have come out a little emotional, maybe I am emotional right now I dono :)

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