Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Bright Young Hollywood

Kristen Stewart Kristen Stewart Crop of Kristen Stewart as a hot young things, collects the Tiger Beat data sheets (biggest crush? BlackBerry or iPhone?)...


Hometown: North Hollywood, California.

Breakthrough roles:
Jodie Foster’s daughter in Panic Room, Tracy in Into the Wild.

Upcoming films:
Twilight, Adventureland, and What Just Happened?

Levi’s or J Brand?
“Levi’s. Although I think I’m wearing nice J Brands right now.”

Chuck Taylors or Nikes?

Favorite designer? “Oh, I don’t know­. Anything that’s beat up. I kind of like to look like a hobo.”

Role model?
Jodie Foster.

BlackBerry or iPhone? “I’m getting a BlackBerry. I don’t even have an e-mail address. I just need a phone that’s not gonna break.”

What’s on your iPod? Van Morrison, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones.

Last book you read?
Under the Banner of Heaven, by Jon Krakauer.

Morning or evening?
“I’m a night person. I mean, look at me.”

Hybrid or Escalade?
“A ’95 Toyota Tacoma.”

Boy crush? “My boyfriend, Michael Angarano!”

btw Kristen Stewart plays Mallory in

Welcome To The Rileys

Directed by Jake Scott, Kristen Stewart as Mallory, she is a 15 year old stripper; who meets a married couple that take her in to help her get her life straight. In the process of helping her, they care for her as their own daughter and patch up their marriage.

The film will be release at Sundance 2010.

Monday, November 16, 2009

12 Reasons Why America Needs Michele Bachmann To Run For President In 2012

There are many Republicans lining up to fight for their party's presidential nomination in 2012. But all of them have huge problems and very few of them are true conservatives. As we have seen during the Tea Party gatherings and the town hall protests, Americans are sick and tired of "fake conservatives" and of politicians who promise one thing and do another. They want someone who is genuine and who speaks from the heart. That is what they will get from Michele Bachmann. The following are 12 reasons why American needs Michele Bachmann to run for president in 2012.....

#1) Abortion - As a former foster-mother for 23 children, Michele Bachmann understands that each and every child is precious. During her brief tenure in the U.S. Congress, she has been one of the few members to actually try to honestly fight for the rights of the unborn. A lot of Republicans give lip service to the issue of abortion, but once they are in office they do absolutely nothing about it. The truth is that the United States of America is NOT going to survive if we keep killing approximately a million unborn children each year. Michele Bachmann would be the most pro-life president the U.S. has had ever since Roe v. Wade was decided.

#2) Health Care - The socialist "health care reform" bill being rushed through Congress is one of the worst pieces of legislation that America has ever seen. Michele Bachmann has been viciously attacked for fighting against it, but she has not backed down. In fact, she has shown extreme courage by battling to stop a bill that would virtually destroy the health care system in the United States. The truth is that the bill is so bad that one poll revealed that 45 percent of America's doctors would consider shutting down their practices or retiring if Obama's plan is ultimately adopted. As demonstrated by the townhall protests this past summer, the American people do not want this horrific health care bill to pass. Michele Bachmann is fighting really hard to keep that from happening.

#3) Carbon Taxes And The Global Warming Fraud - Tens of millions of Americans blindly follow Al Gore, the "eco-prophet" who is trying to "save the environment" by viciously attacking carbon dioxide. Michele Bachmann is one of the few members of Congress who are willing to stand up and tell the truth that carbon dioxide is one of the fundamental building blocks of life on earth and that it is NOT causing global warming.

#4) Auditing The Federal Reserve - Michele Bachmann has bravely joined Ron Paul's call to audit the Federal Reserve. Did you know that the Federal Reserve has never been the subject of a true comprehensive audit ever since it was created in the early part of the last century? The reality is that the people of the United States have a right to know what is going on over at the privately owned central bank that has almost complete control over U.S. currency and banking. The Federal Reserve played a massive role in creating the horrific economic crisis that the U.S. is currently experiencing, and the reality is that right now the Federal Reserve has very little accountability to the U.S. Congress or to anyone else for that matter. Michele Bachmann wants to change that.

#5) Global Currency - Michele Bachmann is fundamentally against the move towards the creation of a global reserve currency. In fact, she has introduced legislation to protect the status of the U.S. dollar. The reality is that globalism has gotten totally out of control, but both Democrat and Republican leaders have been recklessly pushing increased globalism for decades. It is about time that we had a president that is willing to stand up against globalism and willing to stand up against a global currency.

#6) Wall Street Bailouts - Michele Bachmann was one of the most outspoken opponents of the Wall Street bailouts. Why should countless billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars go to Wall Street elitists who made some big mistakes? The Wall Street bankers certainly are not interested in bailing out those who are losing their homes or their jobs. In fact, the Wall Street bankers are hoarding the cash they received in the bailouts and have decreased lending instead of increasing it. The truth is that the bailouts that both John McCain and Barack Obama supported were absolute madness. Michele Bachmann has been fighting these bailouts, and that is one reason why the Tea Party crowd loves her so much.

#7) Taxing And Spending - It is simply not possible to tax and spend a nation into prosperity. In July 2009, the budget deficit of the U.S. federal government topped $1 trillion for the first time ever. The nation’s debt is expanding so rapidly that it almost seems impossible to keep track of it. Meanwhile, unemployment numbers and foreclosures are headed for the stratosphere. The U.S. economy is dying, and the big government policies of both the Republicans and the Democrats are responsible. Now the Democrats want to raise taxes on an American people that is already being taxed to death. America desperately needs a fiscally responsible leader like Michele Bachmann in the White House.

#8) Israel - The anti-Israel policies of Barack Obama could end up being completely disastrous for the United States. The U.S. needs a president that understands that Israel is a great friend and ally.

#9) Gay Marriage - Michele Bachmann supports both a federal and a state constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage and any legal equivalents. This is very refreshing at a time when even many Republican lawmakers are coming out in favor of gay marriage.

#10) Energy Policy - The United States does not have to be dependent on oil from the Middle East. There are great untapped reserves in the mountain West, ANWR and in the outer-continental shelf. Michele Bachmann has introduced four pieces of legislation to free up those energy reserves and to promote alternative forms of energy.

#11) Socialism - After the recent government takeovers of General Motors, Chrysler and other once prominent corporations, there is little use denying that we are quickly becoming a socialist nation. Michele Bachmann was one of the few members of Congress who were willing to tell it like it is when Obama was making these moves. Her speech on "gangster government" has become a classic. Michele Bachmann would fight to reverse the march towards socialism and would work to get America back on the path of capitalism and free enterprise where we belong.

#12) Leadership - The conservative movement in the United States desperately needs a true leader right now, and Michele Bachmann can provide the kind of inspirational leadership that most other Republican politicians simply cannot. One recent example of Michele's leadership was a massive grassroots conservative rally organized by Michele on the steps of the U.S. Capitol to protest the health care reform bill that drew 10,000 to 20,000 participants – far more than the 2,000 originally predicted.

Conservatives are inspired by Michele Bachmann. They respond to her leadership. The truth is that the Republicans have not had a true inspirational conservative leader in the White House since Ronald Reagan. It is about time they had another.

Michele Bachmann Is Fighting Against The Health Care Reform Bill Being Pushed By Barack Obama And Nancy Pelosi

As the Democrats attempt to cram socialized health care down the throats of the American people, a few brave members of Congress like Michele Bachmann are fighting like crazy to keep it from passing. The truth is that the nearly 2000 page health care reform bill will decimate the health care system in the United States to such an extent that it may never be able to be fully repaired again. The bill is filled with nightmare after nightmare. In the video below, Michele Bachmann breaks down the health care bill and tells Sean Hannity why it is absolutely vital that this nonsense does NOT become law.....

Michele Bachmann Supports An Honest Audit Of The Federal Reserve

Did you know that the Federal Reserve has never been the subject of a true comprehensive audit ever since it was created? The truth is that the American people have a right to know what is going on over at the privately owned central bank that has complete control over U.S. currency and banking. The Federal Reserve played a huge role in creating the gigantic economic crisis that we are currently experiencing, and the reality is that right now they have very little accountability to the U.S. Congress or anyone else for that matter. Thank goodness that we have members of the U.S. Congress such as Michele Bachmann that are willing to stand up to the Federal Reserve bankers.....

Michele Bachmann Is Fundamentally Against A New Global Reserve Currency

In the video posted below, Michele Bachmann appears on Fox News with Glenn Beck to discuss plans for adopting a new global reserve currency. Michele points out that moving towards a new global reserve currency will destroy the dollar and will seriously affect the value of the American dollar here at home. Fortunately we have members of Congress like Michele who are willing to introduce legislation to protect the U.S. dollar.....

Michele Bachmann On Why The Freedom Of Choice Act Is A Horrible Bill

Michele Bachmann is one of the only truly "pro-life" members of Congress. She truly and honestly cares about the plight of the unborn in this nation. In the video posted below, Michele explains why the Freedom of Choice Act is the most radical and divisive pro-abortion bill ever introduced in Congress. Thank goodness we still have a few members of Congress who are willing to fight against the murder of the unborn.....

Michele Bachmann Explains Why It Is Not Possible To Tax And Spend Our Way To Recovery

Can we tax and spend our way to recovery? That is the question that Michele Bachmann answers on Fox News in the video posted below. The truth is that taxing and spending and bailing out Wall Street may help in the short term, but in the long term measures such as those always make things worse. The U.S. economy is still a total mess, and we need more straight talkers like Michele Bachmann in the U.S. Congress.....

Michele Bachmann Tells CNN Why We Should Drill In Alaska

In the video posted below, you will see Michele Bachmann explaining to CNN why we should be drilling for oil in Alaska's vast untapped oil fields. Instead, most Democrats seem absolutely determined to keep us totally dependent on foreign oil. The truth is that there is enough oil in Alaska and in other areas of the northwestern United States that the U.S. could reduce its dependence on foreign oil to virtually nothing. But will the American people ever learn the truth? Let us hope that Michele has many more television appearances such as this.....

Michele Bachmann: We Have Gangster Government

In the video posted below, you will see an excerpt from Michele Bachmann's famous "gangster government" speech on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. The truth is that the way the government handled the takeover of General Motors (now jokingly called Government Motors) and the closing of car dealerships around the nation was truly criminal. This is just one reason why we need to clean out Congress and bring in more patriotic citizens like Michele Bachmann.....

Who Is Michele Bachmann?

If you are new to this site, you might be asking yourself this question:

Who in the world is Michele Bachmann?

Well, we are glad that you asked.

Michele Bachmann was the very first Republican woman to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from Minnesota in 2006. She represents Minnesota's 6th congressional district which includes the far northern suburbs of the Twin Cities along with St. Cloud. In 2008, Michele was re-elected by defeating her Democratic and Independence Party endorsed opponent Elwyn Tinklenberg by a margin of 46.41% to 43.43%.

Michele has been one of the strongest voices in the U.S. Congress for fiscal responsibility. She has fought hard against the bailouts and ballooning government programs as Barack Obama and the Democrats seemingly try to spend the U.S. into economic oblivion. In addition, Michele has been one of the primary opponents of "Obamacare" and is doing all she can to try to keep the "health care reform" bill from becoming law.

Recently, a massive grassroots conservative rally organized by Michele Bachmann on the steps of the U.S. Capitol to protest the health care reform bill drew somewhere between 10,000 to 20,000 participants – far more than the 2,000 originally predicted.

The Truth is that Michele is quickly becoming a darling of the Tea Party crowd.


Because unlike most politicians she tells the truth. She speaks her mind and she speaks with common sense.

There are very few true conservatives anymore in Congress, but Bachmann is one of them and she is not afraid to speak out against America's march towards socialism. In encouraging her supporters to gather for the health care rally, she instructed them to be ready for constructive action.....

"Go into the Capitol and find members of Congress. Don't bring your pitchforks," Michele told her supporters, "bring your video cameras. And get them on record saying how they're going to vote and why."

At a very energetic 53 years of age, Bachmann is bringing life to a conservative movement that is looking for real leaders. Most Republicans will espouse empty conservative rhetoric if it will help them get elected, but then they never act very conservative once they get to Washington.

Michele Bachmann is different. Michele Bachmann is the real deal. That is why America needs Michele Bachmann to run for president in 2012.

The truth is that she has lived a really extraordinary life. The following information on her life before coming to Congress comes from her official website.....

Prior to serving in the U.S. Congress, Bachmann served in the Minnesota State Senate. She was elected to the Minnesota State Senate in 2000 where she championed the Taxpayers Bill of Rights. And, prior to that, Bachmann spent five years as a federal tax litigation attorney, working on hundreds of civil and criminal cases. That experience solidified Bachmann’s strong support for efforts to simplify the Tax Code and reduce tax burdens on family and small business budgets.

Congresswoman Bachmann is a graduate of Anoka High School and Winona State University. After earning her law degree, she went on to the College of William and Mary to get an LLM in tax law. Bachmann and her husband, Marcus, live in Stillwater where they own a small business mental health care practice that employs 42 people. The Bachmanns have five children, Lucas, Harrison, Elisa, Caroline, and Sophia. In addition, the Bachmanns have opened their home to 23 foster children, which has inspired Congresswoman Bachmann to become one of Congress’ leading advocates for foster and adopted children. She was recently honored with an appointment to the bipartisan Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute’s Advisory Board.

At the top of this blog you will find a link where you can contact Michele and encourage her to run for president in 2012. Of course for now she needs to focus on winning her district once again in 2010, but once she has done that, we are asking all true conservatives to join us in enlisting Michele to take on Barack Obama in 2012.

The truth is that we are currently in one of the most challenging times in America's history right now. But things are often the darkest right before the dawn. We need a real leader that will turn the United States away from socialism and back to the Constitution.

That leader is Michele Bachmann.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Kristen Stewart Eclipse

Kristen Stewart she will appear in Eclipse (marketed as The Twilight Saga: Eclipse and also known as Twilight 3: Eclipse or just Twilight 3) is an upcoming romantic-fantasy film scheduled for release on June 30, 2010. It is based on Stephenie Meyer's novel of the same name and will be the third installment of the Twilight film series, following 2008's Twilight and 2009's New Moon. Summit Entertainment greenlit the film in February 2009. Directed by David Slade, the film will star Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner, reprising their roles as Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, and Jacob Black, respectively. Melissa Rosenberg will be returning as screenwriter. Rachelle Lefevre, who played Victoria in the previous two installments, will not be returning due to scheduling conflicts; instead, Bryce Dallas Howard will play Victoria.

Bella and Edward have been reunited, but their forbidden relationship is threatened to be torn apart again with an evil vampire still seeking her revenge. And Bella is forced to choose between her true love for Edward or her friendship with Jacob Black as the struggles between vampires and werewolves continues. But there is still another choice for Bella to make, mortality or immortality?

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Directed by David Slade
Written by Novel:Stephenie Meyer, Screenplay:Melissa Rosenberg
Starring Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Cinematography Javier Aguirresarobe
Distributed by Summit Entertainment
Release date(s) June 30, 2010
Country United States
Language English
Preceded by New Moon

Wait and see...


Kristen Stewart DVDs
Kristen StewartKristen StewartKristen StewartKristen StewartKristen StewartKristen StewartKristen StewartKristen StewartKristen Stewart

Saturday, September 12, 2009

o Kristen Stewart o The Runaways

Kristen Stewart in The Runaways (post-production) as Joan Jett (Lead role).

While filming The Runaways movie, Kristen Stewart cut her trademark long, full hair into an uneven 'mullet' hairstyle. Photos of the hairstyle were released on June 11, 2009, garnering a great deal of media attention.

The Runaways is a 2010 biopic of 1970s all-girl rock band of the same name. The Runaways was written and directed by Floria Sigismondi, and stars Kristen Stewart as Joan Jett, Dakota Fanning as Cherie Currie, Stella Maeve as Sandy West, Scout Taylor-Compton as Lita Ford, and Michael Shannon as Kim Fowley. Alia Shawkat plays the band's bassist, a fictional character named Robin. None of The Runaways former bassists are portrayed in the film.

The Runaways is loosely based on lead-singer Cherie Currie's 1989 autobiography Neon Angel: The Cherie Currie Story which details her fractured childhood, the group's meteoric rise to fame, and her subsequent battle and recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. The Runaways covers the formation of the band through to Cherie's departure at the peak of their success. Jett has stated that "The Runaways" is "absolutely not a biopic. It's not fact-for-fact. What they did was basically take elements from the Runaways story and created a parallel narrative."

wait and see...
source: wikipedia

Kristen Stewart DVDs
Kristen StewartKristen StewartKristen StewartKristen StewartKristen StewartKristen StewartKristen StewartKristen StewartKristen Stewart

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kristen Stewart-Robert Pattinson Spotted Kissing

Kristen Stewart-Robert Pattinson Spotted KissingKristen Stewart Puts Herself In 'Messengers' Character's Shoes In 2005<br /> - Jocelyn Vena, Larry Carroll - ‎11 hours ago‎<br />In 2005, Kristen Stewart was busy filming the horror flick ''The Messengers,'' and it seemed like she was ...Kristen Stewart 'Inspires' Repeat Co-Star Dustin Milligan<br /> - Jocelyn Vena, Larry Carroll - ‎10 hours ago‎<br />Dustin Milligan can't escape Kristen Stewart. Milligan worked with the ''Twilight'' star in ''The Messengers'' ...Updates on Kristen Stewart, Dakota Fanning, and 'The Runaways'<br /> - ‎16 hours ago‎<br />Meanwhile, co-star Scout Taylor-Compton, who portrays Lita Ford (and who Rob Zombie had to thank for meeting Kristen Stewart), had some kind words for these ...Stewart and Pattinson moving in together?<br />San Francisco Chronicle - ‎Aug 24, 2009‎<br />''wilight'' stars Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson will struggle to deny their relationship for much longer if latest reports are true -- they are said ...Adventureland Review:<br />FanBolt.Com - ‎12 hours ago‎<br />When he meets another carnie named Emily (Kristen Stewart), there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel. Whether or not he can make it to the end of ...'Twilight' co-stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart get cozy ...<br />New York Daily News - Nicole Lyn Pesce - ‎Aug 17, 2009‎<br />Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart attended the Kings of Leon concert with several of their 'Eclipse' co-stars. ...Links: Kristen Stewart + Robert Pattinson (Again?), Megan Fox's ...<br />BlackBook Magazine - Lauren Garroni - ‎17 hours ago‎<br />[USAToday] ● Could Kristen Stewart be such a method actress that she's confusing her character's love for Edward as her feelings for Robert Pattinson? ...Kristen Stewart Puts Michael Angarano Back On The Market -- Or So ...<br /> - Emily Donahue - ‎Aug 25, 2009‎<br />Although there have been no public statements yet, after KStew and RPattz' ''cozy'' Kings of Leon concert ''date,'' it seems Kristen and ...Does mess with her! Kristen Stewart takes a fashion risk with a ...<br />New York Daily News - Amy Eisinger - ‎Aug 10, 2009‎<br />Kristen Stewart stunned fans at the Teen Choice Awards Sunday night when she showed up wearing a black mini skirt studded with spiky metal ...

"Kristen Stewart-Robert Pattinson Spotted Kissing"

New dating rumors about Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart after the Twilight stars are snapped making out at a Kings of Leon concert and getting cozy at Miku sushi restaurant in Vancouver.

I hope Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson start dating. Both of them would be so cute together :)

But we have no evidence sooo...... why do people assume just because Both of them Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson spend time together and they were close at a concert dont mean theyre dating.

I really hope Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson start though. And if they are, I hope they come out with it.

I LOVVEEEE Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson !

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Kristen Stewart-New Moon Trailer

Kristen Stewart-New Moon Trailer

"Kristen Stewart-New Moon Trailer"

Taylor Lautner says 'New Moon' is taken up a 'whole other notch'
Ladies, sink your teeth into Jacob Black.

An updated, action-packed trailer for "New Moon" hit the web Tuesday featuring a behind-the-scenes interview with Taylor Lautner, who packed on 30 pounds of rippling muscle to play jaw-dropping werewolf Jacob.

In the vampire romance sequel, Kristen Stewart's Bella has her heart broken by Robert Pattinson's brooding vampire Edward.

So she falls back on her buddy, Jacob -- who flaunts his new rock-hard 'wolf-pack' in several sizzling, shirtless scenes.

"As time goes on, the heat starts building," dishes Lautner.

The video shows Bella and Jacob brushing their hands together and staring into each other's eyes.

The teenage angst flourishes between exciting scenes packed with crashing motorcycles, feuding werewolves and high-flying stunts.

"'New Moon' is going to be stepped up a whole other notch," says Lautner. "There's more action in this one, especially with the werewolves involved."

"I think the fans are really gonna be happy," he adds.

"New Moon" hits theaters on Nov. 20.

The cast is also currently filming the third segment, "Eclipse," in Vancouver, where Stewart and Pattinson were spotted getting cozy at a Kings of Leon concert last weekend.

BY Nicole Lyn Pesce

Source youtube nydailynews

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Kristen Stewart - Welcome to the Rileys

Labels: Kristen Stewart 325 x 550 - 22k - jpg kristenstewartpics.blogspot.comKristen Jaymes Stewart (born 426 x 655 - 34k - jpg topics.breitbart.comKristen Stewart will appear in Welcome to the Rileys as Mallory Lead role (post-production).

Welcome to the Rileys is an upcoming American independent drama film directed by Jake Scott, written by Ken Hixon, and starring Kristen Stewart, James Gandolfini and Melissa Leo. It tell about A troubled young woman reunites a grieving couple who have been driven apart by the death of their daughter. Filming took place in New Orleans in late Fall 2008. No official release dates have been announced.

Kristen Stewart plays Mallory, the troubled young woman.

Synopsis Welcome to the Rileys

Doug Riley and his wife Lois have been living a half life since their daughter Emily was killed eight years ago. Doug has coped by having an affair with Vivian, a waitress. Lois has struggled, harbouring a secret and devastating sense of guilt for her daughters death. She has withdrawn into herself and hides away from the outside world, relying on hairdressers who make house calls, her sister, Harriet, and the local pastor.

When Vivian dies, Doug is lost. On a business trip to Baton Rouge he finds himself at a crossroads. And in a strip club. A 16 year old lap dancer Mallory offers him extras in a private room. He turns her down but goes home to her run down apartment and makes his own proposition. He offers to pay her $100 a day if he can stay for a while, get his head together. No sex. No strings. Mallory isnt used to getting money for nothing, but whatever

Doug rings Lois and tells her he isnt coming home.

He and Mallory settle into a certain kind of domesticity although Mallory wandering around naked and offering sex are a little off-putting!

Helpless on her own, Lois, a woman previously unable to make it the 20 yards to the mailbox, realises she will have to take drastic action if she is to save her marriage. For the first time in 8 years, and after a couple of failed attempts, she manages to reach her car and start driving, headed south.

Back in Louisiana, Doug tidies Mallorys apartment and then sets about trying to clean up her life. Shes an underage hooker after all.

Lois, paper bag at the ready to save her from hyperventilating, makes slow but steady progress. When she finally arrives to find her husband living with a foul-mouthed young hooker, Lois is, predictably, horrified. But, like Doug before her, she is taken with Mallorys similarities to Emily. Lois moves in. And the three of them form an unusual family unit. But Mallory soon bridles at the attempts to mend her wicked ways. Shes not ready to be anyones surrogate daughter just yet. Sparks fly.

After she is beaten up and hospitalised by a client, Doug and Lois rush to Mallorys bedside. They are asked what their relationship is to the girl. Only family are allowed in after all. Lois hesitates. Then declares that she and Doug are her parents.

Doug and Lois are finally re-united. Lois admits to Doug how their daughter died and he finally understands why she has been so consumed by guilt. The weight of the last few years are finally lifted from her shoulders and life seems like it is coming back together

But Mallory isnt about to complete the pretty picture just yet. Shes a teenager after all


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Kristen Stewart - What Just Happened

Kristen Stewart bams blogKristen Stewart pic twilight gearKristen Stewart appeared in What Just Happened as Zoe (Supporting role). What Just Happened is a satirical comedy-drama directed by Barry Levinson starring Robert De Niro.

What Just Happened is an independent film, produced by 2929 Productions, Art Linson Productions and Tribeca Productions, and was released on October 17, 2008.

I saw what just happened there.,
Author: shnizzedy from United States

What Just Happened film is certainly enjoyable, and has several laugh-out-loud moments. However, like the film within the film, What Just Happened? feels too long. As a filmmaker myself, I really enjoyed What Just Happened film, but I am afraid that much of the appeal will be missing in a general audience. A producer trying to change Bruce Willis' mind is pretty funny, but how funny is it to a non-producer or a non-Bruce-Willis? The performances, are, of course, outstanding. The entire cast is composed of nearly uncriticizable actors who are superb in any role they attempt. If you have an interest in how films come to be, this is a fun little flick. If you don't care about the behind-the-scenes, you may want to sit this one out.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Kristen Stewart - Jumper

Kristen Stewart data base peopleKristen Stewart appeared in Jumper as Sophie (Cameo).Jumper is a 2008 American science fiction film from 20th Century Fox and Regency Enterprises.

Jumper is loosely based on the 1992 science fiction novel of the same name by Steven Gould. Jumper film is directed by Doug Liman, director of The Bourne Identity and Mr. & Mrs. Smith, and stars Hayden Christensen, Samuel L. Jackson, Rachel Bilson, Jamie Bell, Max Thieriot, AnnaSophia Robb, and Diane Lane.

Jumper film follows a person capable of teleporting to any location as he is chased by a secret group intent on killing him.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Kristen Stewart -Cutlass

Kristen Stewart star tracks peopleKristen Stewart appeared in Cutlass as Young Robin Minor role (short film). Cutlass is short drama film which was filmed in 2007, written and directed by Kate Hudson.

Cutlass story is about... Little Lacy, a big music fan, discovers a great but expensive guitar in a music shop. She's very excited by the guitar, and asks her mother to buy it. However, her mom says "definitely no", but after that she reminiscences about the time she got an Olds Cutlass as her first car when she was younger. Her father used to say: "Whatever makes you happy, makes me happy". Maybe... in the end... she'll change her mind about Lacy's wish.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Kristen Stewart - In the Land of Women

Kristen Stewart star tracks peopleKristen Stewart appeared in Cutlass as Young Robin Minor role (short film). Cutlass is short drama film which was filmed in 2007, written and directed by Kate Hudson.

* Virginia Madsen --- Robin
* Dakota Fanning --- Lacy
* Kristen Stewart --- Young Robin
* Kurt Russell --- Dad
* Sarah Roemer --- Eve
* Brian Hooks --- Leroy the Mechanic
* Chevy Chase --- Stan
* Ethan Suplee --- Bruce
* Steve Jones --- Jonesy
* Dax Shepard --- Background Extra #1
* Michael Rosenbaum --- Background Extra #2

Cutlass sotry is about... Little Lacy, a big music fan, discovers a great but expensive guitar in a music shop. She's very excited by the guitar, and asks her mother to buy it. However, her mom says "definitely no", but after that she reminiscences about the time she got an Olds Cutlass as her 1st car when she was younger. Her father used to say: "Whatever makes you happy, makes me happy". Maybe... in the end... she'll change her mind about Lacy's wish.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Kristen Stewart - Into the Wild

Kristen Stewart gallery images 2008 in styleKristen Stewart appeared in Into the Wild as Tracy Tatro (Minor Role).

Into the Wild is a 2007 film based on the 1996 non-fiction book of the same name by Jon Krakauer about the adventures of Christopher McCandless.

Into the Wild was directed by Sean Penn, who also wrote the screenplay, and stars Emile Hirsch, Jena Malone, Marcia Gay Harden, Vince Vaughn, Kristen Stewart, William Hurt and Catherine Keener.

Into the Wild premiered during the second edition of the Rome Film Feast. The film premiered outside of Fairbanks, Alaska on September 3, 2007, and Into the Wild film was issued in limited release on September 21, before a wide release on October 19.

Box office performance In North America, Into the Wild initially opened in limited release, in four theaters and grossed $212,440, posting a per-theater average of $53,110. For the next several weeks, the film remained in limited release until it expanded to over 600 theaters on October 19, 2007; in its first weekend of wide release, the film grossed just $2.1 million for a per-theater average of $3,249. As of December 25, 2008, the film has grossed $18,354,356 domestically and $37,281,398 internationally. In total, the film has grossed $55,635,754 worldwide.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Kristen Stewart - The Cake Eaters

Kristen Stewart tips triks gallery style watch peopleKristen Stewart appeared in The Cake Eaters as Georgia (Lead Role (Limited Role)). The Cake Eaters is a 2007 American independent drama film about two small town families who must confront old issues with the return of one family's son.

The Cake Eaters
film was directed by Mary Stuart Masterson, and stars Kristen Stewart, Aaron Stanford, Bruce Dern, and Jayce Bartok. Kristen Stewart is featured as Georgia, a young girl with Friedreich's Ataxia, a rare disease for which there is currently no cure.

The Cake Eaters has won several awards at various film festivals. At the 2007 Ft. Lauderdale International Film Festival, The Cake Eaters won the People's Choice Award for Best American Indie Film. At the 2008 Ashland Independent Film Festival, The Cake Eaters film received the Audience Award for a Dramatic Feature. At the 2008 Sedona International Film Festival, Mary Stuart Masterson received the Discovery Award. Masterson also received the Best Feature award at the 2008 Stony Brook Film Festival.


Kristen Stewart ... Georgia

Aaron Stanford ... Beagle
Bruce Dern ... Easy
Elizabeth Ashley ... Marg

Jayce Bartok ... Guy
Miriam Shor ... Stephanie

Talia Balsam ... Violet
Jesse L. Martin ... Judd

Melissa Leo ... Ceci

Marylouise Burke ... Babe

E.J. Carroll ... Vito

Tom Cavanagh ... Lloyd
Mary E. Freeman ... Flea Market Shopper

Andrew George Jr. ... Young Beagle
Elizabeth Girardeau ... Maggie Lynn

Zoe Hunter ... Girl on the Bus

Grant Monohon ... Bum

Elisa Pugliese ... Stacy
Vincent Rao ... Flea Market Shopper

Nicole Signore ... Flea Market Shopper
Elizabeth Van Meter ... Hippy Chick

A beautiful "feel good" movie, 9/10 It's been a while since I watched a movie and felt good for a while afterwards. Most movies nowadays make you feel romantic, awesome, thrilled, pumped up, etc etc, while you're watching it, inside the movie theatre or on your couch; but as soon as the movie ends, many leave you with a strange feeling of emptiness. "The Cake Eaters" was definitely a different experience for me. I can't say that I've learnt a lesson or a piece of wisdom from the movie, but I can definitely say that it left me with a good feeling after it ended. I definitely recommend it for rental and ownership, especially to watch with a loved one.