Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Not a good day

Just as the teddy above, I'm having a bad day. Work is very unpleasant today. My co-worker, the German, is in a bad mood again and is downright rude. As the accountant I sometimes get a huge amount of paperwork, and we don't have much deskspace, so I often put stuff on the spare desk, where the moneybox is as well. The German doesn't seem to care that I'm working on those papers and carelessly shoves them aside to get the moneybox, instead of just picking it up. Thanks lady. She does this all the time btw. And don't even think I can at all move her papers, she gets snappish if I just minimise something on the spare computer she was working on, to use a programme myself. If I leave something open on there she always hits cross, she just did it now actually, now I have to start the whole thing over again. Having several windows open is seemingly a concept she is not familiar with. Her moments of pleasantness are quite unusual. She barely ever chats with me, which really sucks. It would've been nice to work with someone who wants to talk for a bit during the 8 and a half hours I'm here.

Guess you can't choose who you work with. It's even making me miss my temp job at the commune, where my mom works, in the secretary's office. Lots of people came in during the day, had a chat and a laugh, there was even lots of gossip (not that I'm a gossip, but hey, I'm a very curious person and if you're gonna tell..) and there was a radio. Here it's total silence. I did mention a radio once and my boss said sure get one, but I am very certain German lady will not approve. She already yells on the phone as it is.

All in all feeling a bit not good today, so with the annoyance at work this is not a great day. I guess sometimes, the pandora's box we've got hidden away will burst open and hit you in the face, and all we can do is try our best to shove all of it back in to make for a brighter day.

So to make up for the dreary post, here's another one of those funny animal photos that always seem to crack me up.

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