Sunday, June 12, 2011

Face your fear

Not long ago, Sparrow from A Sparrow's flight introduced me to a woman's blog post about the now pretty famous Slut Walk. The blog is called Becoming Supermommy, you can find her post here: It wasn't my fault
I really enjoyed reading it, and found it very moving. This great lady talked about a subject that is very near to my heart, and I thought it was incredibly brave of her to share her feelings with the world. I was amazed to read the comments and to see how many women and girls have gone through such devastating experiences. It is scary to think how many men are out there are willing to hurt people in such a way. I thought I'd share this post with all of you as well, in the hopes that any of you who have gone through something like that will feel strengthened by reading it.

For those who don't know what the Slutwalk is.. here's a little background. It was started first this year in April, and has been repeated throughout the world. Recently even in Amsterdam. It's womens' response to a police officer's remark that women should avoid dressing like sluts in order to not be victimized. Women gathered together and made a protest in the street, dressed very slutty, to prove a point, that no matter what you're wearing, it is no excuse. I heartily approve of this protest and if it would ever happen in Belgium, I'd gather my girlfriends and drag them along to walk.

It's a scary world if you can't even wear a short skirt and show cleavage without men thinking it is an open invitation to get all over you. It doesn't always have to be an attack. I'm sure many of you have experienced going out and dancing, dressed sexy, and being groped and getting verbal filt thrown at you by some drunken weirdo. I absolutely hate that, and all I want at that moment is for someone to come and rescue me and to get that freaking guy away from me.
If you've been through the worst, it's moments like that when it all comes back to you. But you can't let it bring you down, face your fear, and tell that man to leave you the hell alone. I'm always grateful for some of my girlfriends who are tough as nails in moments like that. I try to be like them and not let them get away with treating me like I'm an object just because I'm out dancing and drinking.

To all those girls out there, who've been through the worst, I send you my love. People don't always understand how much it messes you up, in so many ways, but don't let it kill the amazing woman you are. He doesn't deserve it. One day someone will put their arms around you and you'll know you're safe. Don't let it make you feel less beautiful and don't let it make you fear intimacy. Because when it is with someone great, it will be amazing. The fear will go away eventually, tucked away in a boxed, sealed tight. And you'll be happy and not scared.

Be brave. Life can be hard, and so very painful, and sometimes you'll feel so hurt nothing will seem to matter anymore. But keep hoping, no matter what, there is always hope.

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