Wednesday, June 1, 2011

AAAAh too busy

My god has it been busy at work today! Ok I'm actually still at work, but I'm nearly done here and I'm fed up :p so I thought no more for today let's blog! I have been calling companies all day long, and if I hear one more annoying hold song or hear the words "your call is important to us, please hold", I'm going to kill someone. Doing accounting is driving me bonkers, at the end of the month everything is just so mental! And somehere mid-month I get a reply from someone in HQ in Dublin with millions of questions about this or this entry and this or this mistake. That woman drives me crazy, so I hope this month is perfect so I don't have to go recalculate everything again to explain payments.

Yes, having another rough day at the embassy! Buuut luckily tomorrow is a bank holiday! Hooray! Mid-week relaxy day. Too bad the embassy doesn't make a bridge and give us the whole weekend like a lot of places do :( But hey a day off is a day off. And weekend should be superbusy and looking forward to it, Friday dinner with friend in Gent, Saturdayafternoon the confirmation (well not confirmation, the equivalent of non-church celebration of confirmation, just to prevent jealousy for kids whose parents are atheists and don't have confirmation) of my two second cousins, and in the evening dinner with girlfriends from school in my town. So lots of stuffing myself and drinks to be had. Hooray! Just when I'm trying to get fit!

In other news, my left knee and ankle hurt like hell! I think sitting with one leg over the other all the time, especially on the train without moving, is really wrecking my knee! I always heard it's not that good for your legs, and I'm learning the hard way! I'm trying not to do it anymore, but it's kinda of an automatic thing. I hope it goes away, it's really uncomfortable and it hurts!

But YAY not getting up at six tomorrow morning!
I'll be all:

but more elegantly of course.

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