Tuesday, June 7, 2011


What a day yesterday! Seriously worst Monday at work ever. I started feeling really unwell in the afternoon. I felt naucious and had stomach cramps and my back was seriously killing me. I took a painkiller, but of course stomach doesn't respond to that but back was better. Could barely eat a thing, and I was so hungry :(
Unfortunately by the time I got on the train the backpain started coming back. I was in sooo much pain on the train, and then there was a big delay due to a broken down locomotive somewhere further, I just felt like crying. I was a miserable girl on that train!

When I got home, really late, I just felt like taking a bath and then getting in bed. Was in serious need of comfort! Feeling better now, stomach still a bit painful when I eat. I'm thinking it's from stressing out, work was a bit mad yesterday and I have a crappy stomach. And back a better too, but not gone yet, so I'm hoping it'll be gone soon.

It's going to be a looong week anyway, pain or no, work is so stressful. There's this internet malfunction at the residence, and I've been calling the server about one million times already and the internet still doesn't work. And I keep getting asked by my boss "is it working yet", "call again", "still not working", "any news?".. Dear god if I hear that stupid hold tune one more time I'm going to explode. And every single time I have a different person on the phone, and they give me a different answer. Really stressful stuff. So blarg is pretty much the word of the day.

Need a pick-me-up.

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