I'm kind of sleepy today and can't think of a good topic to write about, so I thought I'd grab some inspiration from another girl's blog (Krissy from The Indiscriminate Chronicals of a Girl Named Krissy) and take her challenge to write down 25 random facts about myself. So here it goes!
1. I hate hate going to the dentist and try to avoid it as much as possible. This fear is the result of a childhood trauma. I had if I remember correctly three teeth pulled at the age of 8ish because my mouth wasn't big enough to accommodate all my teeth, so to prevent them going crooked the dentist had to pull them out. Now for an 8 year-old teeth-pulling and that giant shot going in your mouth is very scary. And the dentist was a big fat liar saying the shot wouldn't hurt at all. Yea right, let me ram that shot in your pallet and see how much it doesn't hurt! I took my revenge by biting down when she tried to give me the shot. I came home with blood on my tshirt, mom thought it was mine, I burst out in tears :p had to go back though and face it anyway.
2. I used to use my long hair as a cheating tool, by creating a curtain along my face, hand against forehead to feign concentration, and then carefully looking through my haircurtain to stare at the other person's test sheet. Worked like a charm!
3. I was a vegetarian for two years when I was a teenager but eventually gave up because I was sick to death of veggie burgers and other strange tasting crap, especially at school. Also felt kinda faint sometimes. I still don't eat loads of meat, I'm picky and don't eat big amounts, and I only eat adult animals. So really, I'm still trying not to overdo in the meat, we don't need lots anyway, but it is tastier than tofu.
4. I don't eat certain animals just because I find them too cute to eat, low I know, but how could I eat bunnies :(
5. I have a birthmark on my arm shaped like an arrowhead.
6. When I was about 10 year old, my new puppy slept in my room the first few nights, one time I woke up in the middle of the night and found it had pooped right in front of the door. Reluctantly I cleaned it by myself but stupidly I threw it in the bin in the bathroom instead of the toilet. You can imagine the lovely smell in the morning :p
7. I colored my baby brother's face yellow with a marker when he was in his crib sleeping. I was three at the time. Mom said it took ages to get it off. Probably ran out of coloring books.
8. Sometimes I think I'd be more suited living in the olden days (being rich) living in a big mansion, not working, going to balls and walking around in those big dresses and of course have my very own mr. Darcy
9. I love romantic things, unfortunately not many guys have so far been very romantic. On a rare occasion sometimes, which I loved!
10. I sleep with a teddybear due to lack of man by side. It's an elephant, her name is Ella, original I know.
11. I'd love to have a giant dog like a Great Dane some day. Unfortunately it's hard to find someone who doesn't object to a dog that weighs at least 50 kilos.. but I love their big floppy faces and I love big dogs, and the breed is so sweet and lazy.
12. I wouldn't cut my hair really short if you gave me a million euro. My long hair is sacred. Just cutting it in layers was painful to do. Looks prettier though.
13. My biggest complex is my lack of bustyness.
14. I definately want kids some day. Preferably all girls, read too many Jane Austen novels I suppose :D but the universe will probably mock me and give me all boys
15. I looove snacking, my favourite snack is crisps, I could eat some every day!
16. I like shopping but I prefer finding everything in one shop rather than wandering around and going in and out of dozens of shops, just frustrates me.
17. My favourite film directors are Peter Jackson, M. Night Shyamalan and Baz Luhrman.
18. I have only three pairs of trousers, I never grew out of my love for skirts.
19. I used to dress up my brother as a girl when he was small, because I wanted a sister :D
20. I like music from the 60's 70's 80's, I hate electro stuff like techno. Bands of the present I like are Duffy, Adele, Mumford & Sons, the Eels, Kings of Leon..
25 is a lot harder than it seems! I can't think of any other random things at the moment and I should get back to work :p
But you know a little bit more about me now !