Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My dysfunctional relationship with math!!!!!

I’m an engineering student who sucks at math. No I’m not one of those students who get 95 out of 100 and say I’m so bad at math; I lose all my marks in that subject. When I say I suck, I really do. It took a lot of effort and attempts to clear my four math papers 1,2,3,4. For me graph theory, discrete mathematics, finite automata and formal language is also math, you may say it is not. I have no idea how my papa thought I will be a good engineer, really.
Now, when I was happy that I have cleared all my math paper, comes “aptitude” classes!
Being good at aptitude is very important for placements, GATE, CAT, IAS, and everything else.
Those two hours shatter every little confidence I have in life.
How, you ask?
For someone who cannot even add, subtract, multiply, divide properly without a calculator, well it’s literally being in hell.
They teach you methods which are supposed to be short cuts to solve the problem, through which I’m paying a lot of attention, and still not able to understand, they give you problem like this,
My heart skips a beat, I am petrified looking at those numbers, it takes me a minute to recover myself , and when I finally take my eyes of those numbers and look around, everyone is scribing and scratching on the book and I have no clue about what to do also, that is where my 25% of confidence is lost.
Another 25% of it is goes when I am not sure what is 6*7. Yes. I didn’t know what 6*7=42 is, stop laughing at me!
I ask my friend, after that when I actually start solving, people start shouting answers, and I’m not even half way through the problems that is where 25% of confidence goes. 75% is gone.
Needless to say zero confidence is left by the end of 2 hours. And all I’m left with a sulking face, and ready to cry.
God please help me! :(

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