Ok I’m back with a less sad post! As I once mentioned I have a very long commute by train every working day. Two hours to get here and two hours back, so four every day! Sometimes I do stay over at my sort of boyfriend ‘s place, which is only half the distance, so that helps break up the week and makes me a lot less tired in the weekend! But sometimes I do have five days in a row of four hours daily on train, which is pretty hellish. By the time I get home I only have two hours to relax before going to bed, which is the worst about the commute really. Numb sitting area is also a downside, but that’s bearable :D Helpful is my pink netbook, filled with films and series, it really makes time go faster. Now, during all these long traintrips I encounter a lot of people. Some people are really a pain in the arse, making your already annoying journey even more annoying. I decided to categorize them ! Most I have encountered many times, but some pain in the arses are really one of a kind.
The loud headphone/earphone type
I’m sure everyone knows this type! Sitting on public transport and having to listen to the usually obnoxious music of someone who is clearly deaf. If you can hear the song several seats away your music is on too loud! People with earphones who do that are really mad, no wonder so many people have tinutis. Have fun hearing peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep for the rest of your life, idiot.
The who needs headphones type
Possibly worse then the previous one. This person will just listen to music or watch videos without putting on headphones. That way we can all enjoy the usually very soothing music or interesting video you are listening/watching. ..(sarcastic in case you didn’t notice) Really, can you really be that annoying? Are the dozens of evil glares not a hint?
The loud talker type
You can encounter this type anywhere you go, unfortunately almost always women (except on phones, a lot of men also my dad seem to think they need to yell through a phone). Clearly these people have hearing problems and have no idea how loud they are actually talking. I do not care about who is dating who and who you fancy.
The talkative type
Often an old lady, but not always. Not always that annoying, if it’s just an anecdote, but I once had an old lady telling me her entire life on the train, which was a bit awkward. It is however not as annoying as scary not very sane looking man talking to you about weird subjects. I try to just smile and nod when that happens and get out of there as soon as possible.
The possessive paper reader type
Encountered this type just the other day on the train! This lady was reading a paper and as I was not doing anything to entertain myself my eyes wandered to her paper and I couldn’t help but read. A normal person wouldn’t be bothered by this, I was only glancing at the paper, and well I was bored. This lady proceeded in doing various actions to try and prevent me from reading the paper. She sat sideways and turned the paper her way. I glanced at the front page. She lifted up the paper till just under her head, so I couldn’t read along again. Now really, it’s a paper, why so possessive or anti-social, lady! I don’t care if someone stares at my laptop screen when I’m watching something, or reading along a magazine. I’d even lower the magazine so they can read as well just to be nice!
The eager sitter type
Now this person is really annoying. When a train is really not busy and there’s nobody sitting next to me, I’ll just put my bag or purse on the seat next to me, so I can get things out easier. Now this type, when wanting to sit down on that seat, will not even bother asking you to please put down the bag, which I will happily do. I’d do it before asking, but sometimes I’m busy reading or watching and I don’t see them. So instead of asking, this person will just proceed to sit down, on your bag! Squishing all your stuff with their big behind. When you look at them weirdly and say excuse me, you’re sitting on my bag, they’ll just stare at you quizzically as if they did nothing wrong.
The unique ones
The snorer
Also encountered this one a few days ago. I was nearly in Brussels when I suddenly heard the very distinct noise of a very loud rumbly snorer. You should’ve seen everybody’s faces when they heard someone snoring like that. Everyone was shocked and looking around who was the snorer :p It’s a really annoying sound, but I guess he couldn’t really help it, it’s better on the train then in the bed next to you.
The open mouth chewer
This one was really gross. Was sitting opposite this man while he was eating an apple. He was chewing with mouth open, so you could see the whole chewing process going on, and on top of that he was making the annoying smacking noise along with it. When finishing the apple he took some chewing gum. And he chewed it the exact same way as the apple. It was like watching a cow, you couldn’t see what on earth he was chewing on for so long and he kept making the noise, was like watching a mental person. Try sitting in front of that for half an hour, really annoying!
So that’s my list so far! More to come probably. Have you met any annoying people on public transport? Let me know!
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