Friday, July 1, 2011


Yes prathi, i'm finally doing it!!

YAY!! I just got my first blog award. Though I got it around 3 weeks back, I had exams going on and that is why it took me this long to express my love about it!!! thank you!!!

I got the award from prathi from the blog My life in technicolor who says she started the blog because of me and I'm really honored about it!

Now, the rules that follows along with that!

Share seven things about yourself.
Spread the love and honor. Award recently discovered blogger.
Contact these blogger and tell them about the award

Seven things about me:
  1. I am doing my bachelor's in Information Science and Engineering.
  2. I collect lot of random things and keep it for memory. whenever I get a chance I show it to my friends saying this is from there, this was given from that person, though they don't really enjoy those sessions!
  3. I am very very impulsive, and because of that I have been in a lot of shit!
  4. I am a very very bad singer!
  5. I love brownie with hot chocolate sauce!
  6. I wish I was shorter sometimes, short people look cuter then the taller one's.
  7. (finally!!the last one!) I name all my soft toys!
Now passing on the award,

1.untapped: she's been writing from past 5years, I accidentally came through her blog, totally loved it, and her writing inspired me start the blog!

2.lehari: one of my first followers and someone to comment on all my posts. I really appreciate it darling!

3. Bj: hehe.. I want people to know you have a blog, if left to you, you will never reveal your address to anyone!!!:P(sorry, had to do this..:P)

4.cadbury girl: A amazing cook, a adorable sister, a lovely friend! you sud check her food blog too, for amazing recipes!! :)

5.Random thought: you are getting this, only cause you are my stupid boyfriend, and atleast this should inspire you to keep your blog properly updated!

6.meghana: you have really nice potential, keep blogging!

uff.. I'm finally done with this post!!
happy blogging people!!

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