Thursday, June 9, 2011

About me

So I recently made a post about knowing who you are and what you want and making changes. So I guess I should tell you a little bit more about me.

What can I say about the kind of person I am? erm, let's see.

I'm rather quirky. I love doing my own thing, and doing things that not everyone does. I don't really feel the need to blend in with the crowd. As a teenager I often felt out of place, as everyone tended to want to be the same and like the same things or you might be looked upon as uncool or an oddball, which was not something you wanted back then. Now I don't give a toss :) Being yourself is so much cooler than trying to fit in some stereotypical box.

I'm caring. I'm a big softie really. I love animals and can't even kill a spider without feeling guilty, how lame. As a friend I'll always try to be there when needed and will attempt to give good advice. I like making people feel better and doing nice things. It just makes me feel happier when I make someone else happy (so pretty selfish really :D).

I'm stubborn and have a big need to prove myself. When I was young, I was always like a head smaller than the rest of the class. I was always seen as the sweet innocent baby, so not very strong. I hated that! I always wanted to prove everyone different, because I really dislike it when people make assumptions and do not give you a chance to prove they're wrong. One time I went horsebackriding in jeans, it was a one hour class, and quickly the inside of my legs really starting hurting. But I didn't want to be a quitter and get off, and the lessons were expensive so I didn't want to just stand on the sidelines for some stupid reason. So I gritted my teeth and decided to prove myself I was not a wuss! Dear god was it a painful hour, eventually another girl told on me she saw I was hurting. I got off and the teacher was totally shocked when he saw that the inside of my knees were totally skinless, a huge shiny red patch, it was all burned off because of the jeans. I was pretty shocked myself too. That was probably my freakiest stubborn moment :) But I think it also allows me to say that I'm no quitter and not a coward, if I want something I will go for it and I'm not going to throw in the towel quickly. Sometimes it's worth it. (the giant burn was not)

I'm argumentative. Not in a getting into fights kind of way, I hate fights. When a friend gets hotheaded and mean to me, I'll only vaguely get angry and then make all the amends myself first, I should get people to apologize to me more. But I just don't hold grudges, I'm not an angry kind of person. Although when I'm really upset with someone I do tend to give angry speeches when I'm by myself, in the car or in my room, looks silly but it gets the anger out :p Not good for my driving style though haha, poor people driving slow then :D Anyway so I love having discussions, proving my point and views to people, and trying to convince them they are wrong :D. I have very specific ideas on things sometimes. It may seem like I'm totally rigid in those ideas and refuse to see someone else's point, but that's not true. Like when discussing politics or something, I do listen to others, and even though I might not agree I will take it all in, and might eventually even change my ideas. Although I won't admit it quickly ;). Discussions are just fun I think, I like hearing other people's thoughts and learning new things from them. By no means do I get into arguments about it, I just like having an intellectual conversation every now and then.

I love to have fun and to get out there and do stuff. I love a good laugh, I like to think I'm fairly funny, so I love being around people with a great sense of humour who can really make me laugh. I'm definitely not a dull person to be around usually :) (I hope :D)

I'm passionate. And not just in the ways of love, although I do love being swept off my feet and all that and I love making an effort to keep the fire going. On average I don't do things half-heartedly, I don't rationalise things, that part of my brain is pretty much on mute most of time ! According to the official personality test in high school anyway! I just think life is more exciting if you don't overthink things too much, you might miss out of you ponder over every thing that might go wrong. Go with the flow.

Wow long post. But that's pretty much my main traits, although there's more I'm sure. Not all of them are easy probably, but that's just how people work. We all make mistakes, and do stupid things we're embarassed about, or behave like an ass sometimes, but those are not the things that make us who were are. It's the whole package that matters.

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